Student Transition Services
We help students build the skills and knowledge necessary to successfully transition from high school to work, college, and independent living.
Transition: passing from one stage to another; moving from school to post-school activities
Self-Determination: The right to one’s own choices and decisions.
What do you see in your future?
- Are you unsure about what you will do after high school?
- Do you feel overwhelmed, frustrated or confused about what to do?
- Do you feel that you need more information in order to make informed decisions?
Would you like some assistance?
The Student Services Coordinator can:
Help you explore options that meet your interests, needs and abilities.
Help you pursue the training you need before you graduate.
Provide you with information about options available to you after high school.
Help you prepare for the transition from high school to adult life.
Instruct you on how to be a self-advocate.
Assist you in getting the assistance and services you are entitled to.
Encourage self-determination and assist you in becoming as independent as you can be.
Provide support and encouragement
Student Services are:
Student Directed