Assistive Technology
We have assistive technology for children available for loan in our Try it Room (TIR). The toys and equipment we have are available for loan for one month with no deposit. It is a great resource for parents and service providers to introduce fun, educational tools to children in the community.
We have adapted games and playing cards. We also have toys with adapted switches that allow children with a range of abilities to play. The switches are available to loan with or without one of our toys. We recently added fidget kits to our TIR. The fidget kits come with a variety of tools that can help a child with calming, focusing and self-regulation. They can also increase tactile awareness.
If you’re interested in what applications are available on “smart” technology (tablets and phones), we have an IPad Air2 available to try at our center. It is also a great way to learn about the adaptive technology that Apple™ products offer for users. Stop in today to learn about what we have available and what might work for you or someone you know.
Contact our office at 607-272-2433 or