Are You Ready in the Event of an Emergency? FLIC is Here to Help You Be Prepared!
Disasters, power outages and emergencies can happen any time and with little or no warning. It is important for everyone to be prepared. It is especially important for persons with disabilities and chronic illnesses, and for older adults to have a clear plan for health and safety. What is the plan if you need assistance evacuating? How will you have access to all your medications if you are stuck at home for a week or more? Do you have enough food on hand that you will be able to prepare if the electricty is out for several days? And what about water for drinking, cleaning, and flushing toilets? Is there someone you can call on for help if needed? FLIC staff are here to assist you in creating a plan for emergencies so that you are prepared for all these questions and more. To the right is our Emergency Preparedness/Emergency Readiness training video and helpful documents. If you would like more assistance in creating a plan, contact FLIC at 607-272-2433 or
Below are links to helpful documents in making your plan.
Emergency Preparedness
Why prepare? Why emergency preparedness matters–

Preparation Can Reduce Fears
Disasters and emergencies can take a psychological toll on both victims and responders. While there’s no way to completely prevent the adverse psychological effects of experiencing a traumatic event, proper planning can reduce suffering by preventing needless hardship and eliminating or reducing uncertainty. Knowing what to do and where to go can lessen the fear of the unknown and help all involved reach safety faster.
Preparation Can Save Lives
Emergency preparedness can be a life-or-death matter. This is as true for your family as it is for businesses, cities, and nations. Predetermined escape and evacuation routes can ensure people aren’t trapped in dangerous locations. Accessible stores of water and food can prevent people from starving or suffering from dehydration. Emergency shelters can keep people out of perilous weather and offer a temporary place to live after a disaster has occurred.
Preparation Can Make It Easier to Recover
Even with the best possible planning, a disaster or emergency often results in loss of property and/or life. One of the keys of emergency preparedness is to ensure losses aren’t catastrophic. Important documents need to be backed up in a safe location. Vital positions of leadership need succession plans. Families need wills. Everyone—from individuals to businesses to government agencies—needs a place to relocate in the event a home or office is destroyed. Knowing how you will keep everything functional after a loss can help you recover more quickly.
Click here for a detailed list of Emergency Kit Supplies, with specific suggestions for different disabilities.