Our History
The History of Finger Lakes Independence Center
In May of 1988 the Finger Lakes Independence Center (FLIC) was incorporated and began operating as an independent living center. Originally located in the Clinton West Plaza, FLIC moved to our current location at 215 Fifth Street in 2003.
When FLIC first opened, offering services for Information and Referral, Independent Living Skills and Training, Peer Counseling, and Individual and Systems Advocacy, we were one of 20 Independent Living Centers in the state as part of the NY Independent Living Centers Network (NYILC). Today there are over 40 Independent Living Centers operating as part of the NYILC network.
In 1993 FLIC became a United Way Partner Agency and we continue to work with United Way to offer support and programs, to people in the community with disabilities.
Over the years FLIC has continued to add services to meet the needs of the community. Today we offer Student Transition Services, Accessibility Consultations, Community Education and Outreach, American Sign Language Classes and Medical Equipment and Ramp Loans. In 2004 we opened our Try it Room- offering assistive technology and adaptive equipment to aid in daily living. Recently we also started offering Benefit Advisement and Employment Services (with The American Dream Employment Network-ADEN) as well as The Nursing Home Transition and Diversion Waiver program.
FLIC works closely with the Tompkins County Office for the Aging (COFA) offering in-home personal care options. In 1998 FLIC started offering the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP), and in 2010 with funding from COFA we started offering personal care options with The Registry Program.
We are also partnering with COFA in coordinating services through the NYConnects System, providing information, assistance, assessments and appropriate referrals for older adults, people with disabilities, and caregivers who are seeking assistance that supports independence and self-determination.
Each year FLIC serves approximately 2000 people in the community. Our goal is to continue to grow and serve more people with more services and to continue to make our community a completely inclusive society for people of all abilities.