Individual and Systems Advocacy

FLIC provides individual and systems advocacy in following areas: Health Care, Education, Employment, Housing, Education, Civil Rights and many more. FLIC works to expand access to equal opportunities and improve the quality of life for all people with disabilities and their families. Individuals have a right to make their own choices and become more independent in their lives.Systems Advocacy is a method of influencing and changing legislation, public policy and practices in ways that will benefit people with disabilities through improving implementation of existing and pending laws through the federal, state and local levels.

FLIC is a part of the Statewide Systems Advocacy Network, under the New York Association of Independent Living. The network is composed of volunteers and advocates all working together to achieve long and short-term goals.

There are different areas of systems advocacy that you can choose to focus on:
Health Care
Civil Rights
Election Reform



Join FLIC’s Systems Advocacy Team!

FLIC is currently welcoming volunteers to join the advocacy team. Members receive periodic alerts and may ask to receive information for specific areas of interest. The Action Alerts are information sent for you to take action through calls, emails or share information through your own social media. We would like to hear from you and what you believe needs to be done in the community.

How do I Join the FLIC Systems Advocacy Team?

Good Sources of New York State disability legislative advocacy:

Mental Health Association in New York State:
New York Association on Independent Living:
New York Association on Psychiatric Rehabilitation:

National Resources

National Council on Disability:
National Council on Independent Living: 

NYS Senate, Assembly and Governor:
